Before & After Gallery: Failing Implant Solutions
While implants have become an acceptable and predictable solution to many dental problems, their high success rate does not eliminate the fact that they can have complications and even fail. The surgical placement of dental implants is technically sensitive and requires an advanced understanding of anatomy and biology. The periodontists at Metropolitan Periodontics have a combined experience of performing dental implant surgery for more than seventy years. Along the way, we have learned how to reduce the risk of implant failures and, more to the point, increase the likelihood of their success.
This confidence is hard-earned. Unlike generalists who may have taken a weekend course before inserting their first implant, the specialists at Metropolitan Periodontics each trained for three years after receiving their dental degrees. Our postdoctoral education gave us the breadth of knowledge and skills sets regarding diagnosis and treatment planning, surgery, and implant placement. Not only do we understand all aspects of wound healing and long-term prognoses, but we know how to treat problems with dental implants when they arise.
At Metropolitan Periodontics we have had extensive training in management of both surgical and restorative complications. And while some of the solution are straightforward we maintain close collaborations with very talented restorative colleagues which allows us to provide you with the best possible outcome possible. We welcome the opportunity to provide the best implant treatment for you.

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